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Contact Us

Contact person: Brian Aldworth
Mobile 083 392 6104

Contact person: Brian Aldworth
Mobile: +27 083 392 6104

Contemplative Outreach, Free State, South Africa, is a regional branch of Contemplative Outreach South Africa. We recognize that a mature fruit of Centering Prayer is a deepening caring response to the needs and rights of the human family and an ever-increasing respect for the integrity of all creation. Centering Prayer is not a withdrawal from a commitment of service; rather it is a spiritual nurturing for those committed to service.

Contact person: Heather Chappell
Mobile: +27 72 584 7246

In 1996, Fr Carl Arico visited Johannesburg at the invitation of Winnie Young, and the Johannesburg chapter was established. Currently, we offer workshops on the principles and practice of Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and the Welcoming Prayer, on request.

Contact person: Felicity Nicholson
Mobile: +27 84 352 9930

Our region was lucky enough to be the home of Winnie Young, founder of COSA, so we were blessed from the start by her presence and wisdom.
She was the first co-ordinator of our region when the national ad-hoc committee gave way in 1997 to a structure consisting of regional chapters. She was succeeded by Denise Allen, Norman McNally, Felicity Nicholson, Elizabeth Norton-Amor, Jonathan Leach and most recently by Richard Hawkins. The KwaZulu-Natal chapter has seen continued growth, with 13 prayer groups currently active in the various sub-chapters of Durban, Pietermaritzburg, South Coast, Kokstad and Northern Drakensberg.
A steering committee oversees the work of the chapter, which includes organising Days of Renewal, retreats and conferences for our members, and presenting Introductory Workshops to those who wish to learn more about Centering Prayer. A newsletter is published three times a year.

Contact person: Wendy Maree
Mobile: +27 82 339 9969

In 1996 we were blessed by a visit from Fr Carl Arico who gave an introductory talk on centering prayer at Santa Sophia Centre in Waterkloof, Pretoria. This was followed in 1997, by a Centering Prayer workshop, run by Winnie Young and a team from Johannesburg. This was attended by 60 people including priests and seminarians. From these attendees Contemplative Outreach Pretoria was launched. Sr Frances, a Holy Cross Sister, was the first Chapter coordinator. Since then, Contemplative Outreach has been firmly entrenched in Pretoria. Today there are groups from various denominations fully committed to the practice of Centering Prayer and living the contemplative life, Catholic, Methodist, Anglican, Presbyterian as well interdenominational groups.

Groups meet weekly. Once a month we share in a mini retreat morning, to further provide contemplative teachings and exposure to more silence. Weekend and Intensive Silent retreats are offered twice a year. Workshops are offered to any interested in the contemplative dimension of prayer and life.


Contact person: Janie Potgieter
Mobile: +27 82 955 4224

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In June 1992, Sylvia Collier was approached by her friend, Winnie Young, and an introductory workshop to Centering Prayer was held at St Raphael’s, an Anglican Retreat House in Faure, near Stellenbosch. Over the years further training and teaching visits from Frs Basil Pennington, Carl Arico, William Fickly, Thomas Keating and Richard Rohr nourished the community. COSA (WC) also participated in the Parliament of World Religions in 1999.

Today we have an active contemplative community who participate in regular events in Rondebosch, Cape Town and Paarl in the winelands. These include Mornings of Enrichment, Time of silent resting in God, retreats and Introductory Centering Prayer workshops. There are several small groups meeting in the greater Western and Southern Cape regions, offering support and resources to Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina practitioners.

The Garden Route contact person is Derek Oppenshaw ( )